


The Clients

As an organization, we can also request a survey with them for us to determine what would be the strength and weaknesses that the client sees on the company upon completion of the project, and through that, the organization will grow  and improve more for the next ventures not just in them but also with others.


The organizer includes the Sales Representatives who worked hard to look for a possible client around the market. They should also be the Technical Representative enough to showcase what the organization was in capable of. Because if they not, how would the client believes that the organization they were belong can produce what they want?

Design team upon award of the project will takes place. They will do interpret the specification given by the client, applying the standards of the company. The document / design must have all specifications, details, special features of the requirements for the said project.

The Buyers of the materials will up next upon approval of the design. They will do source for the materials needed for the design, and checking for its availability and timeframe that can support for the deadlines. 

THE makers

They were referred as the Production team, who sacrifices working under the sun and rain, just to build and follow the design requirements. If needed, they were working night and day just to finish the project. They were composed of different discipline heads just to focus and sustain on each expertise.

Each value is important for the betterment of the Organization. To be a successful one, they must be maintained, sustain and appreciate.  Without them, projects wouldn’t be possible. Simple appreciation by giving each member motivations to strive more on their fields, like giving a monthly awardee for Employee for the month, giving them benefits they deserve.

Simple inspiration makes working in the company more comfortable. In any endeavor, we have had to be connected together and work together as a team to succeed.

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