
Compensation Compared to Performance

storytosharedailyMoney1 month ago21 Views

Many companies tend to undervalue salary offerings, leading many individuals to accept positions even when the compensation is inadequate. The urgency to secure employment often drives them to accept jobs quickly, even if they lack the necessary training, under the assumption that they will learn on the job.

There are also situations where employees have valuable skills yet receive inadequate compensation, resulting in a drop in their motivation and productivity.

Initially, their performance may be satisfactory, but over time, a noticeable decrease in output is likely to occur. Some organizations prioritize hiring candidates with impressive credentials, such as graduates from renowned institutions, which can lead to a form of discrimination.

Even if these individuals lack practical experience in the field, their prestigious educational background can make them more appealing to employers.

However, this approach does not guarantee effective results. It’s crucial to avoid cutting corners for short-term savings; instead, we should consider the long-term effects of our hiring decisions.

As the saying goes, “Your people are the success of the company, so invest in your staff.”

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