
All posts tagged in Life



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News1 month ago

This is a sample short comic strip representation of “The Aged Mother” story by Matsuo Basho.

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Money1 month ago

"It is impossible to anticipate positive outcomes from their labour when this is the case." Let us not make sacrifices just to save money for the firm; rather, we should examine the long-term impact of every recruitment choice we make, since as the saying goes, "Your people are the success of the company, therefore invest in your staff."

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Pearl of Wisdom2 months ago

Learning to unlearn is the highest level of learning. Unlearning something is far more complicated than learning something new. It is widely accepted that learning to unlearn such aspects of

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Cover Stories2 months ago

Two days ago, my cat gave birth to two beautiful kittens. She gave birth outside our house because it happened that our door was locked and she's outside. Upon seeing the newly born kittens, my mom gave them a piece of cloth to lay down and keep them warm. We wanted to carry and put them inside the house but we hesitate to touch them because their mom might react differently upon giving birth. So we decided to let them there in the meantime. But we have to make sure that they can stay warm outside and safe in case of rain.

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News2 months ago

“Getting it done” can refer to effectively accomplishing tasks, achieving goals, or making progress in various areas of life. Here are some strategies to help you stay organized and productive:

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News2 months ago

The Concept of the Perfect Word in the Context of God In theological discussions, the notion of a “Perfect Word” often intersects with the divine. This concept can be explored

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Politics2 months ago

The “real face of a politician” often refers to the contrast between public personas and private behaviors, highlighting issues like accountability, integrity, and the complexities of political life. Here are

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News3 years ago

Work that seems to have no sign of slowing down, even if it is too much for normal work hours. What is the reason behind this? This is due to the higher rate of overtime. We take advantage of this chance so that when it comes time for pay, we can bring home a substantial sum of money for our family. But we have neglected to look after ourselves.

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News3 years ago

We need to think about a few things before leaving our employment in order to avoid incurring damages. Let us revert to the agreement we signed when we were employed. Let's outline the information here; perhaps we should fix something before we depart to have a good record.

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News3 years ago

As of today, the worst factor that has forced us to quit is the Coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). This epidemic drives millions of people to quit throughout the world from 2019 to 2021 and beyond.

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News3 years ago

However, this belief is ridiculous. But I have a dog story. Because he is white and a big dog, I named him Whitey. Kind dog, however due of the size of the bark, it is really terrifying when it howls.

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