
Overwork Poses a Risk!!!

storytosharedailyNews3 years ago37 Views

Work that seems to have no sign of slowing down, even if it is too much for normal work hours. What is the reason behind this? This is due to the higher rate of overtime. We take advantage of this chance so that when it comes time for pay, we can bring home a substantial sum of money for our family. But we have neglected to look after ourselves.

Everyone is guilty in this regard; we overlook the discomfort, hurting, and so on in order to complete our tasks. In the end, what we made was just enough to cover the cost of our medication. Worse, our hard-earned money is not equivalent to our medicine, therefore we borrow and seek assistance when this occurs.

So there will come a moment when we will repent, when we will say to ourselves, “I wish I had worked carefully, it would not have been like this.” If you’re reading this, I hope it inspires you to take a moment to reflect on yourself before it’s too late.

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