
All posts tagged in Self-love



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News3 years ago

They claim playing puzzles enable a person to think plainly and might provide him a supreme concentration.

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News3 years ago

Many of us take living in the moment for granted. It’s tempting to assume we’re emotionally there in some circumstances, but we can’t argue that we’re never really there. Perhaps

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News3 years ago

Have you ever wondered how and why some people choose to live in less populated areas and live a slower-paced life? I presume most of us are aware how busy

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News3 years ago

It’s fine to take a break if you’re exhausted. However, get up as soon as possible and resume the trip. It might be a long journey, but you’ll get there

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News4 years ago

Love is everything one needs. Don't forget to love yourself all the time. By simply combing your hair even if you stay at home or dressing beautifully even if you go to the grocery store. You need to love yourself even in the simplest possible manner. Once you get used to doing it every day, you will find it easy to do simple things with love!

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