

SAPPHIRENewsCover Stories4 months ago22 Views

  • You can relate to this subject if you are like me, who like to observe the sky. Well, I hope you can change your mind if you’re not that interested in your surroundings, especially with clouds. And I hope you take a moment to gaze up into the sky and lend your full attention wholeheartedly.

  • Every time I look up into the sky, the way it looks always looks different. The sky shifts in color without stopping, and most of all the clouds! I’ve loved clouds since I was a child. Out of the cloud formations I want to make something. Often I imagine a herd of horses in the sky, dragons having a nice battle and sometimes the picture of an angel is formed by the lovely clouds! I grew up in a small area where there is no access to new technology and I have been very thankful for the simple way of life.

  • Back in my early years, I liked to follow my grandparents to the rice field or the coconut farm up the mountain. We only have his cow as our mode of transportation, and my grandfather will make a makeshift cart with the animal so I could enjoy the ride comfortably. And I’m always interested in seeing the environment, particularly the sky, when we are on our way. I am always been fascinated by the clouds that looks like chasing me wherever I am going. And like it feels as if seeing the moon follows you everywhere.

  • There was a while when I asked my grandfather why the clouds seem to surround us and he said “those are the angels of God, so we will be protected.” I was lost and I couldn’t see what it meant. I do not remember bothering him yet again, for the unexpected shifts in the cloud formation meant that I was trapped. I began seeing angel formations and I am not certain if I was just imagined erroneously or whether my mind was too concentrated on creating something out of the clouds. It was the start of my greater cloud obsession.

  • It’s the sense of peace when I look up in the sky and a lot of clouds are up there. Apart from that, my mind will never fail to smile and it encourages me to recall how beautiful the day is. When a cloud is there, I always suppose that God made those for me particularly and it will act as my guide and reminder about the goodness in the world. Clouds to me are like God’s indication that He looks at me and I have no reason to think about anything because He’s with me.

  • Somehow I couldn’t express it in words, but there are definitely many stuffs and sort of things I needed to say. I just can’t figure it out for now. Maybe my mind is still pre-occupied with today’s lovely clouds up in the sky. It’s still strange for some reason that I can’t say it properly when I know my mind and my heart is full. Well, this is me. Well, this is me. Perhaps you’ll be able to relate.

  • Today the clouds look awesome and it’s enough to make my day also awesome.

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