
Pantry Countertop with Overhead Cabinet

storytosharedailyInterior3 years ago36 Views

It is not as complicated as we believe to build a countertop with an overhead cabinet in the pantry. Most countertops and overhead cabinets are simply connected wall to wall using expansion bolts. Some individuals prefer to build a modular module to fit in the area, which is as simple as making in the factory and assembling on-site. Begin drafting the desired design of your countertop, I-shape, L-shape, and so on, using accurate measurements and dimensions of the area or location.

Here is another design detail from a pantry countertop. An angular bar for framing, marine plywood for the substrate, and a screw to attach the substrate to the framing finish with actual stone (marble, granite) or solid surface in the designer’s preferred material finish. Adhesives are then used to bond the finishing to the substrate, and some dowel is added for additional strength. Lightweight materials such as hardwood, plywood, fiberboard, laminated veneer, particle board, and MDF board are also used to build overhead cabinets.

Material List

Angular bar (framing), Natural Stone, Solid surface (finishing), Screws (fixing), Dowels (fixing), Bolts (expansion), Stone adhesive (bonder), Sealer (finishing), Marine Plywood (substrate), Red Oxide Paint (Primer), Hardwood, plywood, fiberboard, laminated veneer & particle board and MDF board.

Reference: Natural Stone Institute: Countertop and lavatory Tops

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