
Amazing views in the wilderness

A Short Story by: Lucius

I was ascending a mountain and could see the enchanted castle. Whitty, my brother’s beloved puppy, was lent to me. The dog did not abandon me no matter where I went, as though my brother had told him to join me on my quest. 

In the middle of my stroll, I saw a small house and dashed over to see if someone was inside. When I came, there was nothing there; it was only a little shelter for travelers. The wind was refreshing, so I took advantage of the chance to relax before returning to my older brother’s home. I can still see my brother’s house from here, but I wasn’t scared to go there. 

My mind was drawn to a bright light when I was sitting in the cabin house. And tunes that seemed to be playing in that direction. And it’s almost as if there’s a singing competition going on. Something appeared out of nowhere in my older brother’s dense land. An Old Man is approaching me. Suddenly, my hair rose on end, and I remembered what I had felt in the magical palace. I tried to sprint away from the old man but couldn’t lift my legs or my whole body. I couldn’t open my mouth to scream, the wind ceased unexpectedly, and I couldn’t see a single wiggling of the plant’s leaves. When an Old Man approached me and wondered as to what I was doing there. 

“What are you doing here, young man?” asked the Old Man. 

Out of fear, I stammered in response to the old man’s question.  

“I ee-ex-explained that I’m just re-re-relaxing here and sss-staring at the light on the other side.” I said. 

The old man replied, “Oh, is that’s all-young man; anyways, do you want to know what that bright place is?” 

I had no idea my interaction with the Old Man was became natural. I didn’t make it obvious that I was already familiar with the place.  

I replied, “Yes, Old man.” I’m curious about the source of the lovely glow. 

I heard Whitty barking at me the dog, just as the old man was about to tell his story.

Suddenly, my mother and brother lifted me to move the bed, and I awoke shocked, for everything had vanished, the old man, the cabin house, and the magnificent view. I paused for a moment and didn’t tell my mother and brother why I was stunned and surprised. 

“Everything is just a dream. “

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