
All posts tagged in reality

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Cover Stories3 years ago

LUXURY LIFESTYLE FROM WITHIN When you hear anyone claiming they live luxuriously, the first thing that comes to mind is their financial situation. They do have a lot of money


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News3 years ago

Do you find yourself listening to a voice in your head that keeps on saying "you are not good enough", "you keep on gaining weight", "you're not looking good", "you're not doing it right"? These are only some of the many voices that keep on bothering in a person's mind who feels like getting trapped in an unknown place within their own self. If you are one of those that I'm talking about, don't worry. “You are not alone”.

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News3 years ago

Are you familiar with one of the famous saying of Paulo Coelho’s “A mistake repeated more than once is a decision?”Do you agree with him? Some would probably agree and

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News4 years ago

What are the usual or common reasons why people really change? Can you answer that question within five seconds? Did it happen to you somehow? Do you have any close

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News4 years ago

They said that growth is both a painful and beautiful thing. Sometimes whenever we experience discomfort, pain, and sleepless nights we tend to break a little. Have you ever experience

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