
Top 3 Alugbati’s Health Benefits

storytosharedailyHealth Tips3 years ago40 Views

Alugbati, commonly known as “Malabar Spinach,” is not technically a spinach, although it does have a spinach-like flavor when cooked. This heart-shaped green vegetable with crimson or purple stems and heart-shaped green leaves is popular in salads and cooked in soups and other healthy recipes. Alugbati is also known as Malabar spinach, climbing spinach, vine spinach, Ceylon spinach, red vine spinach, buffalo spinach, and other names in various areas of the world.

A Nutritious Booster: Alugbati’s leaves and stems are very high in nutritional content. It has a lot of iron and potassium, so it can help you get through the day and keep vital body processes like your heart rate and blood pressure in control. 

Alugbati Nutrients: Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium & Sodium

Alugbati’s Health Benefits

Helps combat Oxidative Stress

Alugbati’s antioxidant levels counteract free radical damage, which is a key contributor to chronic illnesses. Free radicals may be found everywhere around you, including in the air, water, and soil. Common sources include food, cosmetics, home cleansers, and cigarette smoking. Furthermore, your body generates free radicals on a daily basis.

Supports Brain Sharpness

Alugbati, which is abundant in folate and other Vitamin b, boosts mental function and keeps your mind sharp.

Enhances Digestion

Fiber is especially useful for people who suffer from constipation, bloating, and indigestion. This vitamin promotes colon health by aiding in the normalization of bowel motions. It may also help lower bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol levels, allowing your heart to perform at its best. It also reduces hunger and fills you up quickly, making it perfect for dieters.

If you are on a diet, include it among the vegetables you consume; it will help a lot.

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