
E. How to start your diet – Again

SAPPHIREHealth Tips3 years ago12 Views

Deciding to have a healthier lifestyle is always a worthy goal. Beginning a diet plan to lose weight and have a healthy eating habit is always as exciting as buying a new pair of clothing one size smaller than your usual body size. But we all knew that in all these processes, we would encounter challenges along the way.

Deciding to have a healthier lifestyle is always a worthy goal. Beginning a diet plan to lose weight and have a healthy eating habit is always as exciting as buying a new pair of clothing one size smaller than your usual body size. But we all knew that in all these processes, we would encounter challenges along the way. So, our topic for today is how to prepare ourselves to avoid any unpleasant circumstances. Or at least for us to be able to lessen the stress once we reach the point wherein we would feel any doubt about our diet plan and losing weight challenge.

As a beginner in any losing weight journey, it is a common problem on how to continue the process after a few days. I personally can testify that it was not an easy journey. For my first day on my diet plan, I could proudly say that it was so easy. I eat less and I was okay all throughout the day. I had my workout in the afternoon and I continue that routine for the next couple of days. But when I was on my fourth day, I could say that I was feeling weaker and less motivated.

My mind was so busy thinking about my favorite foods! I started to crave fried chicken, spaghetti, pizza, chocolates, and many more. I feel ashamed every time I remember the moment when I picked up my phone and ordered the foods I was craving. When the food arrived, I immediately ate it and guess what, I regret it after. Perhaps it is a normal reaction to feel guilty after you gave in to your cravings. After that day, I feel like I was less motivated to continue my diet plan and to lose weight. But I am totally not happy with myself. I don’t feel like looking at my reflection in the mirror. So what to do? I think I should start all over again. I want to challenge myself again. I really want to do it so I have to make a deal with myself.

I consider myself a beginner again. As a beginner, I have to start with the basic tips on how to succeed in my diet plan and to lose weight. I think I should start by cooking my own meal starting tomorrow. It is the most practical and easiest thing to do for me to be able to check and monitor what goes into my food. I can lessen the amount of salt and avoid any sorts of artificial flavorings. Some say that cooking your own meal means you are more dedicated to your goal. So wish me, luck guys. I will learn how to cook my own food. I will make it as simple as possible and a healthy one of course. Hopefully, it will taste good.

How about you guys?
How do you prepare your own food?
I want to learn the simplest but healthy recipes.

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