AutoCAD Lesson 112 – Array Commands

AutoCAD Array Command Comprehension

Makes copies of items that are set in a pattern. Objects in a normally distributed rectangular, polar, or path sequence may be duplicated. There are three types of arrays:

  • Rectangular
  • Path
  • Polar


Distributes copies of the chosen object into any number of tables, columns, and stages

(same as the ARRAYRECT command).

  • Command: AR (press enter) ARRAY
  • Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 2 found Select objects:
  • Enter array type [Rectangular/PAth/POlar] <Polar>: R
  • Type = Rectangular  Associative = Yes
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Basepoint/COUnt/Spacing/COLumns/Rows/Levels/eXit]<eXit>: COL
  • Enter the number of columns or [Expression] <4>: 2
  • Specify the distance between columns or [Total/Expression] <750.0000>: 800
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Basepoint/COUnt/Spacing/COLumns/Rows/Levels/eXit]<eXit>: R
  • Enter the number of rows or [Expression] <3>: 3
  • Specify the distance between rows or [Total/Expression] <900.0000>: 1000
  • Specify the incrementing elevation between rows or [Expression] <0.0000>:
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Basepoint/COUnt/Spacing/COLumns/Rows/Levels/eXit]<eXit>: X


Distributes copies of the chosen object evenly throughout a path or a component of a path

(same as the ARRAYPATH command).

Distributes copies of the chosen object evenly throughout a path or a component of a path

  • Command: AR (press enter) ARRAY
  • Select objects: 1 found
  • Select objects:  Enter array type [Rectangular/PAth/POlar] <Rectangular>: PA
  • Type = Path  Associative = Yes
  • Select path curve:
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Method/Base point/Tangent direction/Items/Rows/Levels/Align items/Z direction/eXit]<eXit>: I
  • Specify the distance between items along path or [Expression] <1561.0275>: 1200
  • Maximum items = 6
  • Specify number of items or [Fill entire path/Expression] <6>:
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Method/Base point/Tangent direction/Items/Rows/Levels/Align items/Z direction/eXit]<eXit>: R
  • Enter the number of rows or [Expression] <1>: 2
  • Specify the distance between rows or [Total/Expression] <1394.0025>: 1000
  • Specify the incrementing elevation between rows or [Expresson] <0.0000>:
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Method/Base point/Tangent direction/Items/Rows/Levels/Align items/Z direction/eXit]<eXit>: X


Evenly distributes copies of the object in a circular pattern around a center point or axis of rotation
(same as the ARRAYPOLAR command).

  • Command: AR ARRAY
  • Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 30 found
  • Select objects:
  • Enter array type [Rectangular/PAth/POlar] <Rectangular>: PO
  • Type = Polar  Associative = Yes
  • Specify center point of array or [Base point/Axis of rotation]:
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Base point/Items/Angle between/Fill angle/ROWs/Levels/ROTate items/eXit]<eXit>: I
  • Enter number of items in array or [Expression] <6>: 4
  • Select grip to edit array or [ASsociative/Base point/Items/Angle between/Fill angle/ROWs/Levels/ROTate items/eXit]<eXit>: X

Note: Each array element is referred to as an array component, and it can be made up of several items. Define a block as the array’s source object. To function as the direction in a path array, you must either have a line, polyline, 3D polyline, spline, helix, arc, circle, or ellipse.

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