
Banana and Egg

SAPPHIREHealth TipsNews3 years ago41 Views

Are you one of the millions of people who have tried a variety of diets and methods to successfully reduce weight? If so, I invite you to join me on my newly discovered diet schedule.

It is really easy, and most importantly, it is one of the most cost-effective diet plans available. What I like about this diet plan is that I don’t have to follow complicated guidelines like I did for most of the diet plans I’ve done in the past. I should admit that I am very excited to try this challenge because, aside from being easy to find these two (2) ingredients in the kitchen, it would obviously not take up the majority of my time in terms of preparation of food.

In short, I might save a lot of time. So, here’s how we’re going to approach the challenge. We only need one boiled egg and one medium ripe banana for breakfast. It is appropriate to have one more egg for breakfast if you need to. Since we have enough time for the rest of the day to burn extra calories, it is okay to have 2 eggs. Just make sure to eat your breakfast not later than eight o’clock in the morning. Then, you are only allowed to eat one boiled egg and one banana for lunch and dinner. You should have a cup of green tea or other citrus fruit for your tea break. No chips, sweets or sodas for tea break, okay.

Remember to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. A transparent container with a label is a good way to remind yourself that it’s time to drink. You can mark it by writing the time to drink or merely drawing a few lines to serve as a reference. Bring this water jar with you anywhere you go. The trick is to drink water once your mind starts thinking of food. Make an effort to avoid going to the kitchen or rummaging in your lunch box, even if it is not yet time to eat. You’ve got this. We can do it. To achieve our goal, we must double our efforts in self-discipline and, most importantly, remain consistent. It is not difficult for us to accomplish any goals if we observe these two strong attitudes: discipline and consistency.

So, do you agree with me? Do you like to participate in the 7-day Banana and Egg Challenge? This diet plan would be more enjoyable if we do it together. Best wishes! Cheers to a healthy way of life, as well as a decent diet and weight loss journey! When we all work together, we will all be healthier.

Let us have faith in our quest. All will be worth it in the end.

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