
Childhood Memories

Child Creativity & Resourcefulness

We all have childhood experiences that we will never forget. My early recollections are filled with happy times driven through by the natural setting.

I don’t have much access to modernity or technological devices because I grew up in the wilderness. If there are any, the older siblings will give you their old toy.

Because I enjoy playing so much, I will never forget which toys I am pretty proud of. The first is a wooden vehicle with wooden wheels, or an old pair of slippers with shaped wheels. There is also a chance that the wheel will be created quickly, in which case I will just take the fruit of the tree and do the same with my car’s wheel.

Great ideas begin in our childhood.

Then it cannot be completed if there is no road; my answer there when I’m young was to create a road out of the mud itself; I would take ash from the wooden stove and wet it a little to thicken and stick to the ground, and now my wooden car has a road to run like a cement road.

Child Imagination

The children’s creativity did not stop there; I recall, and it is still fresh in my mind, how I constructed mud toys. Earthenware plates, glasses, tables, and chairs, among other things.

In addition, we used to create single-story, double-story, and even high-rise buildings out of mud.

How about you? What childhood experiences when you were young?

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