
A Divine blessing is never meant to end with you.

SAPPHIRENews3 years ago46 Views

Do you agree? To think about it. It may be a boring statement, but I can feel the weight, fullness, and greatness of this line. It genuinely means a lot to me. You can as well if you want to internalize every word of the statement. Isn’t it wonderful? “A God-given blessing is never meant to end with you.”

When was the last time you really sensed God’s presence?

When was the last time you received a blessing as well? It may be a big or small blessing. When we get a blessing, there are times when we refuses to acknowledge it and forget how to be thankful for it. We might not be doing it on purpose, but it is always immoral to consider us cautious at times. When we live a lavish lifestyle, it is easy to lose track of the significance of the little things. We often forget the little gifts we have when we are preoccupied with the big ones.

So, how do we keep doing something like this so frequently? I’m sure most of us aren’t aware that we’re doing and want to learn how to make things right to ourselves, others, and, most significantly, the Most High. Of course, we want to become more responsible citizens. We want to become more appreciative, thankful, and respectful of even the smallest blessing.

The only way to live a fulfilling life is to learn to enjoy what you have. Consider if you can assist someone in the most essential of ways. Sharing, helping, or providing assistance to others would indeed not necessarily require you sacrificing everything you have. Often what you have to do is give someone at least half of your bread.

Others, such as the homeless, can depend on it as a lifeline. Receiving even half a piece of bread from you would leave their stomach happy for at least a moment. And for them, it is a huge relief from starvation. If we simply pay more attention, consider, and comprehend our surroundings, we will see how we can share the blessing with others.

We just need to open our eyes and hearts to become a better version of ourselves while living on this planet. We need to practice being thankful and learn how to share our blessings with each other. Give praise and thanks for all and spread thy blessing with one another. Help and share honestly, not with malice. Be a blessing to others, and you will be blessed far more.

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