
A Drop of Kindness

SAPPHIRECover Stories4 years ago36 Views

Let’s cultivate the kindness within you, my friend.
Once in a while, little by little, day by day.
The moment you wake up each day, practice kindness.
Until it become a part of your system.

Extrinsic kindness can be your practice of choosing kindness because you are aware that it feels good to be kind. You are aware that kindness is a beautiful thing and a positive force – an unseen energy which can be felt. Extrinsic kindness is really a good practice, but can I suggest something, my friend?

Each day is an opportunity to be better. Therefore, as we practice extrinsic kindness each day, I believe there will come a time when you will choose kindness as an auto-pilot response. Not because you are now fully aware how amazing it changes our lives but because it is now part of a new you. And it can be an amazing thing which we can call an intrinsic kindness.

May we live with kindness each second of our lives and live a happy and carefree life!
You do deserve a life overflowing with happiness!
So be kind always. And before you knew it, that kindness within you will radiate automatically to your outside world, making your world so beautiful to live!

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