
How do you get your children to eat veggies?

SAPPHIREHealth Tips4 years ago31 Views

How do you get your children to eat veggies?

This is one of the most asked questions by parents who are having some difficulties encouraging their kids on eating vegetables. They say that veggies are natures’ best health food. So, as a parent they want their kids to eat more veggies. But how to get them to eat vegetables?

There are some basic tips that I think parents should have a try. We know that kids, especially toddlers, tend to become picky eaters every time they’d try new food. We don’t have to feel worried when they start to become picky eaters. As old folks say, ‘monkey sees, a monkey eats’. Meaning we have to have veggies on the table every mealtime. If we want them to like veggies, it is better that as a parent, you should introduce veggies to your child as early as possible.

Some research says that people who tend to eat veggies from a very young age will most likely like or love eating veggies as they grow up. Well, there is a simple fact also that says ‘tastes change with age’. So if your child refuses to eat carrots, don’t force them. Try to offer it again after a month or two. That’s why it is very important for your child to like veggies at a very young age. As a parent, you need to become their role model. You should definitely eat veggies. It is every parents’ task to prepare and eat veggies. Let your kids see how you like to eat various kind of vegetables. By simply showing them that you love to eat veggies, it will give them an idea to try it also. That’s the basic way you could do to encourage them. It is very simple, right? You should eat vegetables in front of them.

Another basic idea on how to encourage your kid to eat veggies is to try to be creative in preparing the food. Make it as appealing as possible. We all know that diversity makes life interesting, right? The same goes for the food, you can prepare their food in many different ways and put some art to make it more pleasing to their eyes.

For example, if you used to boil the carrots only then serve them, why not try to research simple recipes on how to cook carrots? Instead of just boiling it then serve, why not try to cut it and arrange it beautifully? You could see the difference. Your kid will absolutely like it if you prepare their foods with creativity. Children like to be entertained. Most kids also like something interesting even with food. So, parents should learn these simple and basic tips on how to get their kids to eat veggies. As a parent also, it is your responsibility to feed your kids healthy foods as early as possible and introduce nature’s best healthy food to them. Let them eat different kinds of vegetables.

Take note that you could only succeed on your task if you are going to do your part as a parent. Make it a habit of having a healthy meal at the table. Prepare the veggies as the main food on the table. Make it as a centerpiece.
Create a healthy eating habit. Make it a family tradition if possible.
Then your kids will definitely follow the routine.

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