
Just Believe!!!

SAPPHIRENews4 years ago39 Views

Do you feel like you have the energy to get up from your bed every morning?

Are you feeling hopeless from trying to do certain things you really want but seem like nothing is working out the way you want?

Are you not satisfied with your current situation especially this time of pandemic?

Are you one of those hardly affected because of covid-19?

Try not to stress out yourself more. I understand that you are not okay. I can feel you. Nowadays almost all of us are facing different difficulties and hardships in many different ways. We may not be experiencing the same problems but all of us have the same stepping stone on how to overcome all those challenges.

We just have to BELIEVE.

Yes! The first step we need to do is for us to believe that we can always win every challenge that comes in our way. If you are having a hard time getting up from your bed every morning, try to challenge yourself.

Once you’re already awake, open your eyes and challenge yourself to get out of your bed within five seconds.
Then quickly fix your bed properly.
Take a shower and get out of your room.
Have a good hearty breakfast and you will see that you did a good job!

Believe that it is not going to be another boring day. Encourage yourself that today will be better than yesterday. That there will be something interesting that you could do for the day. Do it and I assure you your day will definitely have a huge difference.

Nowadays, I observed that there’s still a lot of closed establishments. Some businesses still not yet back to normal operation because of the pandemic. Some of the restaurants reduced their manpower and are only accepting orders for deliveries. They also suffered just like ordinary people. Some are now unemployed. Others are trying to look for a new job. I notice that there are more people now trying to do online business. But there are some who don’t know what to do after they lose their jobs.

They feel like there’s nothing else to do anymore. Some are afraid to know if there is anything else left for them in this world. We can’t judge them if they are now feeling down or lost. Some of us can relate, right?

We are also familiar with that kind of emotion because at some point in our life we had experienced almost similar scenarios in the past. (If you haven’t experienced any of those yet, then good to you.)

Okay, so what and how to help them?
Well, simply let them feel your presence.
Make them feel that you are his/her friend ready to listen anytime.
Talk to them if necessary.
Make them understand that there’s always a way out in every problem.

Always remember that it is totally okay if you are feeling not so fine recently. Don’t worry about all those negative things around you, it will disappear eventually. Let me also remind you that if you are now in a bad situation, stop worrying too much because it won’t last long. Sooner or later, the sun will shine so bright upon you again.

You will see a wonderful and colorful rainbow on the horizon. Just try to be a little bit calmer when a problem arrives. More importantly, believe that it will soon pass. If you always believe, everything is possible. You can do it! Don’t stop believing.

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