
Seeds of Hope

SAPPHIREHealth TipsNews3 years ago40 Views

A few days ago I decided to start my diet plan for the second time around. I hope I could make it this time so I had this brilliant idea on how to push me harder on my weight loss journey. Yesterday I went to a grocery store and saw this plant seeds area. So I quickly picked up the last sachet of green leafy vegetable seeds. At that moment I knew I wanted to grow my own food but because I was staying in the city since the covid-19 pandemic has started, it is somehow a challenge for me on how am I going to grow my own food. But now, I have some seeds that are waiting for me to be planted. This evening I tried to germinate the seeds using wet tissue paper and put them in a transparent plastic container. Hopefully, after two or three days it will grow, and then, I could transplant it on their respective pots.

If you gonna ask me why I want to grow my own food, I will tell you my simplest reason. I wanted to become more connected with the food I’m going to eat. I just wanted to feel how great it would be on growing the vegetables, harvesting them after days or months, then finally cooking and bringing them to the table.

Just imagining eating the vegetables that germinate and grow with total love and care by my very own self, makes my heart wants to burst in happiness and excitement. I can’t explain how excited I am when I have finally done with the first step on growing my very own vegetable. Now I know I am more motivated and looking forward to my weight loss journey. Aside from taking care of myself, I have now these tiny seeds that need my care and attention. I consider these seeds as my “Seeds of Hope”. And oh, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am aware also that planting a seed means no promises. It will grow or it won’t grow because of many reasons but still, I am confident that if ever it won’t grow, I will definitely try again. I believe the seeds will grow after few days that’s why I just have to persevere more in taking care of it.

Any ideas and tips on how to grow leafy vegetables are most welcome and appreciated. I’d loved to hear some from all of you! I’ll update as soon as the seeds started to grow. Good luck to my Seeds of Hope!

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