
All posts tagged in kindness



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News3 years ago

What was the simplest or the most meaningful blessing you’ve recently received? How does it make you feel? Are you the type of person who is easily moved by simple

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News3 years ago

I hope your answer would be a ‘Yes’. Because those are some of the simplest things that you could do for someone who deserves at least a little bit of

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News4 years ago

What are the usual or common reasons why people really change? Can you answer that question within five seconds? Did it happen to you somehow? Do you have any close

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Cover Stories4 years ago

Early this morning, I decided to go for a walk a little bit earlier than my usual daily routine. It is a lovely Sunday morning. The calm quietness of the

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Cover Stories4 years ago

Let's cultivate the kindness within you, my friend. Once in a while, little by little, day by day. The moment you wake up each day, practice kindness. Until it become a part of your system.

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