Vegetables’ Surprising Benefits

In any diet plan, vegetables would be the main star of every meal. Opting to eat more vegetables in every meal is always a good idea. Aside from its low calories content, which is very convenient in monitoring your daily calories intake, vegetables have a very important part of our healthy diet as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are also rich in Vitamin K, especially dark green leafy vegetables.

Healthy food. Healthy lifestyle. Healthy mind.

Including vegetables in your diet could be the most effective and practical way in your weight loss journey. If you are not a fan of vegetables, I think this is the time to think again if you really want to achieve your goal of having a healthier body and a more pleasing lifestyle. Vegetables have endless benefits to our bodies. You could eat vegetables every day. It is recommended to eat at least 2 to 2.5 cups of vegetables daily. If you liked to eat raw dark green leafy vegetables, 2 cups of them is equivalent to 1cup of vegetables. It is best when you like to eat vegetable salad. You can add some fresh tomatoes, parsley, cucumber, and more lettuce.

Before, I am not really a veggies-salad-type of person. Every time I eat in a restaurant, I would definitely choose any creamy and sweet salads. Vegetable salad was always not my option. But since I am now in my weight loss journey, I started to learn how to love veggie salad over those not-so-unhealthy ones. I do some research and I was totally convinced that I should continue to include veggie salads in my day-to-day meal plan. As I was reading some articles a few days ago, I find it interesting to know that vegetables have a lot of benefits that I never thought to be as surprising as it is. One of them is that eating vegetables helps to reduce the incidence of age-related dementia. I knew a person who has dementia and I knew he doesn’t like to eat many veggies ever since. Now that he is getting older and older, we find it hard to please him sometimes. He simply doesn’t want to eat veggies and no appetite to eat most of the time. Well, I just hope that he gets better soon. We still try to encourage him to eat veggies.

Let’s get back to our topic. There are few more surprising benefits of eating vegetables. Since we are celebrating Women’s month, let’s don’t forget that vegetables are known for lowering the risk of breast cancer. Let us encourage all the women in our family to eat more veggies. Another one is that vegetables are also great in lowering our risk of diabetes. It is really important to be more cautious on what we are going to eat especially if we are not getting any younger anymore. It is sad that we can’t stay young forever. So funny to think that we don’t have the ability to forever stay as active, good-looking and young lad or lady as vampires do. We are not immortals. So it is our task to take extra good care of ourselves. If we don’t want to spend our pensions just for buying medicines and maintenance when we get old, start to have a healthy lifestyle now. If you are not yet convinced of the benefits of vegetables, listen to me.

Here are some additional benefits.

  • Vegetables can reduce obesity. And it is healthy food for our heart and brain. If you have a healthy heart, you could prevent any heart diseases.
  • And vegetables help to prevent high blood pressure.
  • It also helps to prevent bone loss with aging.
  • Lastly, green veggies are now proven to be good for our eyes. It promotes good eye health.

So, what can you say? Want to start loving and liking to eat vegetables, especially the green leafy ones? I really want to encourage you to have a healthier eating habit by including more veggies on your plate. But don’t overdo it. As they say, too much is not good. I think eating too many vegetables could be as unhealthy as not eating not enough vegetables or not eating at all. Avoid practicing unhealthy habits. Learn to balance the nutrients of all the foods that you’re going to eat in every meal. It should be just enough so you could achieve your goal of losing weight and getting a healthier body.

So what are you waiting for?
Get your shopping list and include some varieties of vegetables on your list.
Have a healthy and lovely day!

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