


There are superiors who have never questioned someone’s capabilities. They never used someone on his subordinates only to boost his reputation. He constantly listens and, if necessary, takes action. He or she is fair and equitable to all employees, and he or she provides opportunity to learn more.

There is an exact opposite of a good superior. They are the ones that utilize their abilities to enhance their image and blame others when they are in problems. He never gives credit to his colleagues; instead, he just takes the positives and disseminates difficulties to his subordinates while waiting for a solution.


They are the one who has always longed to be the only one. Their purpose is to critique your work, yet they never accept other people’s comments, recommendations, or ideas. Their pride outweighs their ego. Sometimes, if they believe they are being led by others, they will wreak havoc and disseminate unfavorable views about a certain individual.


They were the ones that worked independently, in quiet, but with a lot of expertise.

Anyone can rely on him, and you can be confident that he will assist you every step of the way.

They were too friendly, yet their abilities were sometimes taken for granted.


They were the ones that were very chatty, but in nonsensical subjects. They never respond to your questions in the way you expect them to. They want their work to be as simple as possible from the start, and they never consider making changes to their work. He/she would never comprehend if you provide recommendations. After all, you gained nothing on him in the end.


They were the ones who had too much information and overcomplicated everything. Instead of responding directly, they are presenting too many hypotheses first, which will take a long time. Sometimes, or most of the time, they wish to play on the conversation(s), recognizing that you were spending your time asking him/her questions. They will never provide you with precise answers.


They are only neutral individuals. They can readily adjust to any mood, and they have particular abilities to make you smile no matter what mood you are in. However, he/she is serious about the tasks assigned to him/her. They were simply happy individuals, and happy people contribute positive energy to the workplace.

In the workplace, we deal with a variety of people. These are only a few instances. A productive workplace begins with us. For example, toxic people’s aim is to tear you down and influence you.

You lose if you don’t deal with it, and they win if you don’t. Your day will now be plagued with negativity, which you will bring with you throughout the day. Don’t worry about them, let them taunt you, or whatever, since that’s their only place, behind your back.

If we concentrate on the positive, we will have a pleasant workplace. Because we cannot satisfy everyone, we must learn to go with the flow or mind our own business. Always have a cheerful attitude and find a cause to smile each day.

This is just a sample of different people around the workplace. If you have some additional that you encountered, leave a comment and we will talked about it.

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