

SAPPHIRENewsCover Stories3 years ago32 Views

I presume most of us are aware how busy life is living in the city. And most of us are accustomed to see people hustling in life from dawn to dusk. If you will observe, it is a normal scenario every day. People have to work to be able to sustain their daily needs. I guess, even the most privileged people are busy monitoring their assets once in a while. Having huge wealth needs greater work in handling their finances if they don't want to end up in bankruptcy.

Have you ever wondered how and why some people choose to live in less populated areas and live a slower-paced life?

I presume most of us are aware how busy life is living in the city. And most of us are accustomed to see people hustling in life from dawn to dusk. If you will observe, it is a normal scenario every day. People have to work to be able to sustain their daily needs. I guess, even the most privileged people are busy monitoring their assets once in a while. Having huge wealth needs greater work in handling their finances if they don’t want to end up in bankruptcy.

So, as you can see, if we only open our minds, all people have the same denominator in life, which is the obligation to take care of our life for the future. Each and everyone of us wants to have a secured retirement. Therefore, as much as possible we are now working very hard so we would be able to achieve that goal. A goal to finally experience a slow living. By the way, what exactly do we mean when we say we want to live at a slower pace? Could it be real that everyone wishes to live at a slower pace?

When we say slow living it means that we are able to live at a slow pace. We won’t need to hustle just like years or decades ago. Living at a slower pace as we grow older is considered as a greatest gift. Well, who wouldn’t want to live like that? I knew a friend of mine who is already considering herself in slow living.

She’s in early 40’s and decided to vacate her comfortable apartment in the city. She’s now living in a small cabin far away from the city. A place wherein she could only go to the market for her supplies once every other week. I remember the time when she invited me to her place. I was stunned to see how beautiful and peaceful the surroundings. She’s just starting to grow her own vegetables that time. It was amazing to see the seeds starting to germinate. My friend has a story in every plant she planted. And I do love listening to her because we both have interest in growing edible plants. We spent hours wandering her place, especially the back side of her property. There was a flowing river and it was safe for swimming.

While we were talking about anything, she suddenly mentioned how grateful she was that I’d be able to visit her. She said that she was inspired by my grandma when I once invited her to the countryside. Since then, she dreamt of living the same way as my grandma. For years, she worked really hard and saved almost all her paycheck.

Then finally, after years of hard work, dedication and passion, she has now her dream home. A small cabin in the mountainside wherein she is surrounded with trees, and enjoying the abundance of fresh air. A place where you can hear the birds singing almost the whole time. A place that gives so much feeling of tranquility. I recall when she said “This is life finally”. Looking at her, I know she was living her life to the fullest. Words can’t express how happy and content she was. Her heart is full.

She looks satisfied in every aspect of her life. She may not be anymore the sassy girl I knew years before, but I can say that she is now far happier than before. Slow living really suits her. She’s looking younger every time we have a chance to meet up. I hope each and everyone of us will soon find a way to live at a slower pace.

For now, let’s do what we have to do so that someday we would also start to slow living. As long as we make it our goal, there is no impossible. Just believe and it will happen.

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