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News4 years ago

What are the usual or common reasons why people really change? Can you answer that question within five seconds? Did it happen to you somehow? Do you have any close


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News4 years ago

The world now celebrates a seemed to be a yearly tradition. Yes, you got it right it’s Valentine’s Day. Maybe, the majority of us sometimes undervalue the real definition of

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News4 years ago

“Good morning Grandpa! Done brushing my teeth!” “Come here, Simon. Sit down and have your oat milk and cereal.” “Grandpa, why does Grandma always go to South Africa?” “Son, your

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News4 years ago

They said that growth is both a painful and beautiful thing. Sometimes whenever we experience discomfort, pain, and sleepless nights we tend to break a little. Have you ever experience

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News4 years ago

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New year to all our Chinese friends. Based on the Chinese calendar, 2021 is the Year of the Metal Ox. And this year will

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Cover Stories4 years ago

Early this morning, I decided to go for a walk a little bit earlier than my usual daily routine. It is a lovely Sunday morning. The calm quietness of the

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Cover Stories4 years ago

All of us will agree that not all tears are caused by pain, sadness, anger, or any sort of negative emotions. Sometimes, overwhelming happiness even loves or peace will let your tears flow down your face freely. Those are the "happy tears". The unstoppable precious thing that you have to treasure.

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News4 years ago

Love is everything one needs. Don't forget to love yourself all the time. By simply combing your hair even if you stay at home or dressing beautifully even if you go to the grocery store. You need to love yourself even in the simplest possible manner. Once you get used to doing it every day, you will find it easy to do simple things with love!

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