
Test for braveness

storytosharedailyCover Stories2 months ago50 Views


<< read more of part 4 II read more of part 6>>

As the classes is drawing closer, Chris and Chan have another issue that should be survived, the college is a long way from their home and in light of that they need to have a boarding house or apartment that is inside their budget.

This was the following test that came into their family. Furthermore, in view of that I discovered that the two were a bit depress in light of the fact that they had no clue about where they were staying in that place. That is the reason each afternoon when I return home from farm, I stay a little bit at their home for some time and furthermore Chris’ parents always calling me and offering me a mug coffee, we talked every once in a while about their concern at the coming school semester.

I just let them share their concern first so I can figure out how I can help them in some way. As they narrate their stories, I share my own experiences in the location to which they are heading. I encourage them that they, too, can conquer their fears and hurdles. Because of the location, there are always plenty to do to support their budget; their children are hardworking, and they might accept part-time jobs such as working in a restaurant or as an office assistant for 2 to 4 hours each day.

I recount to them an accounts of mine when I was studying in adjacent school were they will study. I disclosed to them that before I used to work while studying. First timetable of part time work, a two hours work from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Shakey’s during Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Second timetable, a two hours work from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in McDonald during Wednesday and Thursday. Furthermore, last I acknowledge third low maintenance work at Jollibee during Saturday at 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The excess time and Sunday I spend on investigation and rest.

<< read more of part 4 II read more of part 6>>

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