
All posts tagged in Happiness

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Pearl of Wisdom2 months ago

Austin Lucius was the kind of person who saw every sunrise as a promise—a chance to pursue a healthier, better version of himself. Whether jogging through morning mists or blending


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Pearl of Wisdom3 months ago

Learning to unlearn is the highest level of learning. Unlearning something is far more complicated than learning something new. It is widely accepted that learning to unlearn such aspects of

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Cover Stories3 months ago

Two days ago, my cat gave birth to two beautiful kittens. She gave birth outside our house because it happened that our door was locked and she's outside. Upon seeing the newly born kittens, my mom gave them a piece of cloth to lay down and keep them warm. We wanted to carry and put them inside the house but we hesitate to touch them because their mom might react differently upon giving birth. So we decided to let them there in the meantime. But we have to make sure that they can stay warm outside and safe in case of rain.

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News3 years ago

Do you have a life mission? I'm guessing there's a lot. If so, what exactly are they? Do you mind if you share it with us?

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News3 years ago

How do you celebrate your life? Do you even appreciate your life? Nowadays, I notice that people are quickly irritated in their daily lives. And when faced with basic challenges,

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News3 years ago

How significant is it to decide on something you believe really matters for yourself? Is it really necessary for us to decide on everything? Was there a moment in your

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News4 years ago

What is the power of smiling? How often do you smile? “There is no magic, granny!” “You still look the same!” Every time I remember those moments, I can’t help

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Cover Stories4 years ago

Let's cultivate the kindness within you, my friend. Once in a while, little by little, day by day. The moment you wake up each day, practice kindness. Until it become a part of your system.

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News4 years ago

It's not unknown that sometimes uttering the word YES is as hard to decide as riding a Ferris wheel for the first time. It's like running excitedly toward the ticket booth and instantly feeling anxious because it will be your first time. Then you're struggling in buying a ticket pass. You may even be considering constantly standing aside and watching the bright smiles, waves of laughter, and even the screams of excitement brought to the people who dare to ride it.

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News4 years ago

Love is everything one needs. Don't forget to love yourself all the time. By simply combing your hair even if you stay at home or dressing beautifully even if you go to the grocery store. You need to love yourself even in the simplest possible manner. Once you get used to doing it every day, you will find it easy to do simple things with love!

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