
All posts tagged in lifes lesson



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Cover Stories3 years ago

Many of us take living in the moment for granted. It’s tempting to assume we’re emotionally there in some circumstances, but we can’t argue that we’re never really there. Perhaps

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News3 years ago

Do you have a life mission? I'm guessing there's a lot. If so, what exactly are they? Do you mind if you share it with us?

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Cover Stories3 years ago

TIMING IS EVERTHING Have you ever tried asking your mom for your allowance when she’s exhausted or angry?. Do you remember her reaction? Or have you ever tried submitting your

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News4 years ago

What are the usual or common reasons why people really change? Can you answer that question within five seconds? Did it happen to you somehow? Do you have any close

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Cover Stories4 years ago

All of us will agree that not all tears are caused by pain, sadness, anger, or any sort of negative emotions. Sometimes, overwhelming happiness even loves or peace will let your tears flow down your face freely. Those are the "happy tears". The unstoppable precious thing that you have to treasure.

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News4 years ago

It's not unknown that sometimes uttering the word YES is as hard to decide as riding a Ferris wheel for the first time. It's like running excitedly toward the ticket booth and instantly feeling anxious because it will be your first time. Then you're struggling in buying a ticket pass. You may even be considering constantly standing aside and watching the bright smiles, waves of laughter, and even the screams of excitement brought to the people who dare to ride it.

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