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News3 years ago

How is your day going? Are you having a good day? Don’t stress if you don’t. There will always be hope around the corner as long as the clock keeps

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News3 years ago

Do you find yourself listening to a voice in your head that keeps on saying "you are not good enough", "you keep on gaining weight", "you're not looking good", "you're not doing it right"? These are only some of the many voices that keep on bothering in a person's mind who feels like getting trapped in an unknown place within their own self. If you are one of those that I'm talking about, don't worry. “You are not alone”.

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News3 years ago

How do you celebrate your life? Do you even appreciate your life? Nowadays, I notice that people are quickly irritated in their daily lives. And when faced with basic challenges,

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Cover Stories3 years ago

Mother: Son this location is not arbitrary because it is one of the most metaphorical; every time we drive by, I see something really beautiful in this place. I can see a wonderful palace in front of us right now. You may not believe me because you don't see anything, because this Palace just reveals to those who believe in mystery.

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Cover Stories3 years ago

Mother: Son this location is not arbitrary because it is one of the most metaphorical; every time we drive by, I see something really beautiful in this place. I can see a wonderful palace in front of us right now. You may not believe me because you don't see anything, because this Palace just reveals to those who believe in mystery.

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Pearl of Wisdom3 years ago

Mother: Son this location is not arbitrary because it is one of the most metaphorical; every time we drive by, I see something really beautiful in this place. I can see a wonderful palace in front of us right now. You may not believe me because you don't see anything, because this Palace just reveals to those who believe in mystery.

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News3 years ago

It’s fine to take a break if you’re exhausted. However, get up as soon as possible and resume the trip. It might be a long journey, but you’ll get there

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Health Tips3 years ago

A few days ago I decided to start my diet plan for the second time around. I hope I could make it this time so I had this brilliant idea

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News3 years ago

Was there a time when you could say that you are not totally at peace with yourself? Was there a moment when you somehow blame yourself for not passing the

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News3 years ago

What was the simplest or the most meaningful blessing you’ve recently received? How does it make you feel? Are you the type of person who is easily moved by simple

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News3 years ago

Are you familiar with one of the famous saying of Paulo Coelho’s “A mistake repeated more than once is a decision?”Do you agree with him? Some would probably agree and

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News3 years ago

How significant is it to decide on something you believe really matters for yourself? Is it really necessary for us to decide on everything? Was there a moment in your

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News3 years ago

I hope your answer would be a ‘Yes’. Because those are some of the simplest things that you could do for someone who deserves at least a little bit of

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News3 years ago

If you are planning to travel or work abroad it is a must to learn the basic rules and laws of a certain country. It is one of the most

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