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Cover Stories1 month ago

Parents are also worried since their children will be away from them on several days. They are sad since their children are leaving in a few days. I immediately remembered how, when we were still in school, our parents almost refused to allow us go to our apartment since it was so far distant.

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Cover Stories2 months ago

As we gave them renewed hope, we gave a instruction to the caretaker the information and they ought not specify any data about us on the off chance that the two inquired. Just power electricity, water will be charge to them and the lease is free.

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Cover Stories2 months ago

As the classes is drawing closer, Chris and Chan have another issue that should be survived, the college is a long way from their home and in light of that they need to have a boarding house or apartment that is inside their budget.

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Cover Stories2 months ago

Chris and Chan's parents have a cheerful outlook. We were extremely shocked by what our children did; we didn't think they were actually trying so hard, and our worries were finally relieved.

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Cover Stories2 months ago

There is a tiny settlement located outside the town where Chris and Chan live. Because their home is distant from the school, these kids are always together.

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Cover Stories2 months ago

Both have completed junior high school. How their parents would support and educate their children at college was the first thought that crossed to my mind.

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Work Abroad2 months ago

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise, distractions, and constant movement. But sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is simply

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Money2 months ago

"It is impossible to anticipate positive outcomes from their labour when this is the case." Let us not make sacrifices just to save money for the firm; rather, we should examine the long-term impact of every recruitment choice we make, since as the saying goes, "Your people are the success of the company, therefore invest in your staff."

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Pearl of Wisdom3 months ago

Learning to unlearn is the highest level of learning. Unlearning something is far more complicated than learning something new. It is widely accepted that learning to unlearn such aspects of

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